Vet advice for Rabbit owners

Image Tips for leaving your pet while you go on holiday

Tips for leaving your pet while you go on holiday

We share our top tips for leaving your pet while you go on holiday so that you can have a happy and relaxing trip....

Image March is Parasite Awareness Month

March is Parasite Awareness Month

As valued members of the family, we want to make sure our pets are happy and healthy.  A key part of this is ensuring that they remain parasite free.  Different parasites can affect your pet...

Image Keep Your Pets Safe in Summer

Keep Your Pets Safe in Summer

Summer is well and truly here but it brings with it some potential hazards for our pets.  Read on to find out how to make sure your pets enjoy summer as much as you! Hot Weather While the British...

Image Fireworks: Keeping Your Pets Calm and Happy

Fireworks: Keeping Your Pets Calm and Happy

Fireworks are an integral part of many celebrations, including Bonfire Night, Diwali and New Year’s Eve. While they can be fun for us, many pets have a different view. Fireworks often cause stress, ...

Image Flystrike


Flystrike is a common condition in rabbits, especially in the warmer weather. If not treated early, flystrike can sadly be fatal. Rabbits more at risk include those who are: overweight, live in dirty ...

Image Rabbits – Neutering

Rabbits – Neutering

There are many health and social advantages in neutering your pet, and we are happy to discuss this routine procedure with you and answer any queries you may have. Like cats and dogs, we recommend rou...

Image Rabbits – A rough guide to owning a Rabbit

Rabbits – A rough guide to owning a Rabbit

Rabbits are highly intelligent, social, sensitive and inquisitive animals. They are the third most popular pet after cats and dogs but are the most neglected with latest figures showing that 80% do no...

Image Rabbits – Vaccinations

Rabbits – Vaccinations

Your rabbits need protection against two common diseases, Myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease. We use a combined vaccine that prevents both diseases in one injection and can be given from 5 we...


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