Vet advice for Exotic Pet and Animal owners

Image Degus – A rough guide to owning Degus

Degus – A rough guide to owning Degus

Degus make great pets for older children and adults. They generally live for  7 – 10 years and a healthy adult should weigh between 176 – 315g depending on age and sex. Companionship Degus are ve...

Image Ferrets – A rough guide to owning Ferrets

Ferrets – A rough guide to owning Ferrets

Ferrets can make very friendly pets. They’re generally very clean, playful and are ideal for older children. Domesticated ferrets come in a variety of colours. They tend to live between 8 – 10...

Image Gerbils – A rough guide to owning Gerbils

Gerbils – A rough guide to owning Gerbils

They generally live for 2 – 3 years and a healthy adult should weigh between 46 – 131g depending on age and sex. Companionship Gerbils are very sociable and in the wild, they live in colonies. The...

Image Guinea Pigs – A rough guide to owning Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs – A rough guide to owning Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs (also known as ‘Cavies’) originate from South America (where they are still considered a staple food source), but were domesticated and brought to Europe in the 16th century. They can ...

Image Hamsters – A rough guide to owning Hamsters

Hamsters – A rough guide to owning Hamsters

Hamsters make good pets for adults and children, and can live for up to 2 – 2½ years. Companionship Hamsters are solitary animals, so prefer to live on their own. If kept as a pair, they are very l...

Image Rats – A rough guide to owning Rats

Rats – A rough guide to owning Rats

Rats can make very friendly pets. They’re generally very clean, highly intelligent and are ideal for older children. Domesticated rats come in a wide variety of colours. They tend to live between ...

Image Mice – A rough guide to owning Mice

Mice – A rough guide to owning Mice

Mice can make very friendly pets, but do not attempt to keep wild mice! Domesticated mice come in a wide variety of colours. Males have a stronger smell and tend to be more aggressive towards each oth...


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