Image Cats – Neutering

Cats – Neutering

There are many health and social advantages in neutering your pet, and we are happy to discuss this routine procedure with you and answer any queries you may have.

Castrating a male cat will prevent him from developing all the unwanted characteristics and behaviour of a tom cat. Tom cats are likely to feel the need to mark their territory (which includes inside your home) by spraying urine. Tom cats’ urine has a very strong and unpleasant odour which is very difficult to get rid of. They will also wander much greater distances in search of females and may consequently encounter dangerous situations, such as busy roads and a higher number of other cats who will want to protect their own territory, leading to a lot of fights. Many un-neutered male cats will be seen in the surgery with infected scratches and bite wounds. Neutering your male cat will also ensure he cannot father any unwanted kittens, as well as eliminate the risk of testicular cancer.

Neutering or spaying a female cat will of course prevent her from having kittens. Some people would like their cat to have a litter before spaying. We don’t recommend this as it has no health benefits at all and only adds to the number of kittens that need good homes, so please think carefully! Spaying also reduces the risk of uterine infections, which can be fatal. Spaying your cat before she comes into season provides the best prevention of unwanted litters and uterine diseases.

Male and Female cats can be neutered from 4 months, depending on their size.

Please see our pre-operative and post-operative instructions for more information on what to expect when your pet comes in for neutering.