Pufulete, an adorable 6-year-old Ragdoll, was brought in to see vet Kristina where X-rays identified a short oblique fracture to his left hindlimb. The fracture of the tibia and fibula was further complicated by displacement (where the bone breaks in two and moves out of alignment), which had caused shortening of his leg.
After consulting with Pufulete’s owner on the best course of action, his implant was ordered and he was booked in for his op the following week. Vet Kristina carried out the repair procedure at our Firgrove practice, where she placed a minimal contact compression locking plate with cortical screws to help reduce the fracture.
Pufulete was back walking on the leg later that same day, and was able to go home with pain relief.
A few days after the op, Pufulete was back to see Kristina after injuring himself. Fortunately, as it was only a small wound, it could be treated with antibiotics and managed by his owner from home.
During his post-op checks at 5 and 7 weeks, we were delighted to see he was recovering brilliantly. He already had about 80% use of his leg at 5 weeks, with our 7 week X-rays showing the fracture healing nicely.